Monday, July 27, 2009

The Ram

I don't know what it was about that hammer thing, but it pissed my little bull freak friend off. All of a sudden. The Mayhnohtawr tossed those little troll bastards off his back like they were dirty laundry. Those trolls flew and splattered right there on the walls of the cave. It was awesome. Then M ran straight for the troll carrying the hammer. Of course, he had to plow through the other trolls standing in his way. Poor bastards. At this point, the trolls that were holding me down left. I guess they wanted to focus on bullface. While he was taking care of business, this gave me the opportunity to search through the caves. As I was running through the cave's turns and dips, I though about some things. What was up with the Mayhnotawr? I've never seen anyone get so worked up over a hammer. And what was with that thing he said? Papa? What's his dad gotta do with a hammer? (Side for the fact that Mayhnohtawrs are known for carrying hammers) But whatever. All this running and thinking was making me tired. I decided to stop and rest for a while. It was scary resting in those caves. Here I am, in the middle of enemy territory, taking a breather. But it was peaceful being in the darkness. I managed to find myself next to one of them cave rivers. It was nice and cool. Suddenly, my peace was disrupted as I heard a loud pop. Then, a flash of light was heading straight for me. I quickly dodged the blast as it turn the rock behind me into dust. I'd be worried of a cave in if I wasn't so sure that trolls are the best cave builders in the world. But renown cave builder or not, whoever shot at me was going to die. Especially, FOR TRYING TO KILL ME WITH MY OWN PISTOL/RIFLE!!!!

Until next time,
Christopher DeLaPaz I.S.D out.

Things are about to get messy once I get my gun back.


Anonymous said...

how does he not know whether it's his pistol or his rifle?! O.O

Christopher DeLaPaz I.S.D. said...

It's dual action.....kinda. Plus, he only knows as much as he learned from the Academy. That and he's not too bright.